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Waldon Parra, a collegue from Venezuela, published a book early 2021 with the title "Un Parque en al Agua" in which he describes SMEVwp. The book is focused on children with developmental disorders and the application of early aquatic stimulation. The method is partly based on Halliwick and is clearly and practically depicted in the book of 120 pages.

It is published by FB Libros, ISBN 9798652758523. Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken.


Dorpmans J, & Lambeck J. (1992)

Zwemmen met gehandicapten
Haarlem: De Vrieseborch
ISBN: 90-6076-356-4

Lambeck J. (1990)
Halliwick in 1986: the realities of movement in water

Berg en Dal: Stichting NDT Nijmegen, ISBN 90-800538-1-3

a. introduction
aa. 4 Aspects...Mac
b. Hydrostatic.. van Gent'
c. Animal...Videler
d. The control...Roberts
e. Motor learning...Bernards
f. Muscle tone...Clarys
g. Current ideas...Mulder
h. Brain plast...Cools
i. Orientation...Ross
j. Rehabilitation...Haberfellner
k. A case...Bauer-Lasserre
l. A multidisc...Green
m. Group...Sharp
n. Scuba...Galligan

McMillan, J. The role of Water in Rehabilitation. Fysioterapeuten, 45: 43-46, 87-90, 236-240, 1977
The role of Water in Rehabilitation

Nicol, K., M. Schmidt-Hansberg, J. McMillan. Biomechanical Principles Applied to the Halliwick Method of Teaching Swimming to Physically Handicapped Individuals. In: Swimming III, red. J. Terauds, E.W. Bedingfield, Human Kinetics, 1979.
Biomechanical Principles Applied to the Halliwick Method of Teaching Swimming to Physically Handicapped Individuals

The Halliwick Method, J.Lambeck & F. Stanat
Part 1: AKWA, volume 15, June/July 2001, 39-41
Part 2: AKWA, volume 14, August/September 2001, 39-42
The Halliwick Method, J.Lambeck & F. Stanat

Conference presentations Leuven 2015

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